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  Szabó Róbert és Szabó István mostantól ismerősök

  2012. okt. 30. 09:28

  Szabó István, enterprise51 - üzenete:

Okay to clear up the confusion the falcon punch guy is fake...it's from snl, and the one with the black kid in the bathroom is fake also. If would have known that I wouldn't have put them in this compilation...also I am not making any money from this. I took the videos from someone else and put them in a compilation, so why should I profit from it? A guy messaged me and asked me if I could put a link in the description and if I did he would pay me. I told him he didn't have to pay me and that I would put it there for free.
  2012. szep. 24. 18:20

  Szabó István, enterprise51 megváltoztatta a profilképét.

  2012. szep. 24. 17:01

  Szabó István csatlakozott a mobiltelohoz.

  2012. szep. 24. 17:00
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